SUCCESS STORIES EGBI Helps Client Obtain a Start-Up Loan


EGBI Helps Client Obtain a Start-Up Loan

By Nayeli Gallegos, EGBI Market Analyst, July 16, 2012

Carlos Fernandez is an example of perseverance and hard work. A native of Mexico, he moved to the United States in 1998 in search of better opportunities for his family. 10 years ago, Carlos began working in the screen printing industry, where he had the opportunity to master different parts of the business as he held various positions, starting from Helper and working up to becoming Production Manager.

As many hard-working men, he had a dream of owning his own shop; and acknowledging the fact that he needed to develop business skills, he approached EGBI. Towards the end of 2011, he took our business training and graduated from our Building Success Program.

“I always wanted to open my own business, but I didn’t have the correct information about how to do it, until I came to EGBI,” Fernandez said.

Early this year, he began to work on the business plan for what would be “Tex-Mex Printing,” his own screen printing shop. With a draft of his business plan, he came back to EGBI for assistance with obtaining a start-up loan that would allow him to buy equipment and take care of his working capital needs.

Program Director, Barbra Boeta invested her time working with him on his financial projections and helping him improve and finalize his business plan. With a complete loan package, EGBI introduced him to the staff at PeopleFund, who in less than a month successfully approved his startup loan.

“Tex-Mex Printing is a great example of how EGBI and PeopleFund worked as a team to help a client. Barbra Boeta helped with training and the business plan. Then Ivette Benitez and Allie Cook at PeopleFund made sure that Tex-Mex received the necessary capital to help the business succeed…The bilingual capabilities of both EGBI and PeopleFund were essential to a successful outcome” said Gary Linder, PeopleFund President & CEO.

This start-up loan will allow Carlos Fernandez to open his business by the end of the summer.
“Barbra…we are in business! Thank you very much, without your help, my dream would have never come true, thank you, thank you very much…I will be in touch.”

For more information about Tex-Mex Printing, please email

This is only one of many examples of how EGBI helps clients achieve their entrepreneurial dreams. Do you want to start or grow your small business? Please come to us. We want to help you succeed!


EGBI Assists Brenda Carrera Obtain a Capital to Purchase a Business

By Nayeli Gallegos, EGBI Market Analyst, April 16, 2012

A hairstylist since 1990, Brenda Carrera graduated from our Building Success Program in 2007 and began working on a business plan. She had to put her plans on hold, but her entrepreneurial spirit did not allow her to give up on her dream. At the end of 2010, she was offered the opportunity of taking over the hair salon where she was working.

In a time where small businesses have trouble getting financing, Carrera turned to EGBI for assistance. Through our loan packaging service, she received help on updating her business plan and financial projections.

With a strong loan package, she was  approved by A+FCU for a term loan that allowed her to buy the business assets, remodel the location and support her business operations for the first three months.

 Carrera’s own Hair Central Salon began operations in May 2011 and she currently has five full time employees.

“…Thank you for the time you dedicated to enhancing my business plan and cost projections. I sincerely appreciate the key role you played in this process and I am extremely grateful for the service provided by EGBI,” said Carrera.

EGBI continues to be a service for Brenda Carrera. We were glad to see her attend our March workshop on WordPress, and we  hope to continue seeing her at future workshops and events.


Comenzar tu Propio Negocio en Austin

Nayeli Gallegos, 24 de Agosto 2014

El Mundo 8.21.14

Este articulo publicado por ElMundo Newspaper habla del caso de Silvia Cortinas, quien se graduo de Curso Empresarial en el 2013. La nueva sesion de Curso Empresarial comienza el 2 de Septiembre. Ademas, publica informacion acerca del taller gratuito de Como abrir un negocio de comida movil, para todos aquellos interesados en abrir una ‘traila’ de comida.

Prepara tu Negocio para el Maraton Mas Importante

Nayeli Gallegos, 3 de Abril 2014

El Mundo 4.3.14

El domingo pasado, en Cedar Park se llevo a cabo la carrera de la popular serie “The Biggest Loser”. La carrera consistía en un medio maratón (13 millas), una carrera de 5 kilómetros y una carrera de una milla para niños. Yo tuve la fortuna de participar en el medio maratón, y terminé con unos resultados muy satisfactorios. Conforme reflexionaba acerca de mi participación, me di cuenta que mi preparación fue muy parecida a la preparación que llevan los empresarios cuando comienzan un negocio. Continua leyendo…

Protégete Contra el Robo de Identidad

Por Nayeli Gallegos, 26 de febrero del 2013

Todos hemos escuchado alguna vez de casos de robo de identidad. Entendiendo como robo de identidad cuando alguien se apodera de tu información personal y la usa sin tu permiso. Provocando con esto problemas en tus finanzas, en tu historial crediticio e incluso daños a tu reputación, sin olvidar la pérdida de tiempo y dinero que puede implicar.

Si alguien se apodera de tu información personal, pueden vaciarte tu cuenta bancaria, hacer compras con tus tarjetas de crédito, abrir cuentas de servicios públicos e incluso recibir tratamiento médico usando tu seguro. Continua leyendo…

¿Cómo Comenzar Un Negocio en el 2013?

Por Nayeli Gallegos, 2 de enero del 2013

Cada año, el común de la gente hace una lista de propósitos para el año nuevo. Una lista de planes que sirven de guía (al menos en los primeros meses del año) en nuestro actuar. Entre los propósitos más comunes se encuentran ahorrar dinero, bajar de peso, hacer ejercicio, viajar, dejar de fumar o disminuir el consumo de alcohol, mejorar en el trabajo y pasar más tiempo con la familia. Si realizas una búsqueda en el Internet, encontrarás miles de consejos acerca de cómo cumplir esos propósitos. ¿Pero qué hay de aquellos que tienen como propósito comenzar un negocio propio en el 2013? Espero que esta guía te sea de utilidad. Continua leyendo…

Archivo de Blogs en Español del 2012.