When choosing between Zoho, Swoogo, and Eventbrite, it is important to understand what platform suits your needs most. All of these softwares support in person and virtual meetings so that is not a major factor to take into account. For people who are already using Zoho tools like the Zoho campaign, Zoho projects, or Zoho mail, it is best to use Zoho since it is easy to use alongside other Zoho applications. If you are a complete beginner in the event management field, it is best to use Swoogo due to its beginner friendly interface. It is simple to use and has the smallest learning curve of the 3 applications, making it a great start for new users. Lastly, Eventbrite is the biggest of the 3 platforms, meaning more people use it and more people will have access to your events. This means that although a smaller percent of the platform might see your event, due to the greater size of the platform, this might still mean more people will see your event then in the other 2 softwares. 

Pros and Cons of all the Softwares


  1. They are all in one platform, meaning they have access to a large amount of tools.
  2. They are each heavily customizable, meaning they can each suit your events uniquely.
  3. They have mobile apps which make it easier to check in people and look at data from your phone.


  1. They cost money when doing paid tickets and sometimes have costs to use the software in general.  Do your research on the fees to see which one fits your budget. 
  2. Managing large events on these types of platforms can be complicated due to data overloads and coordinating large amounts of speakers or workshops. 
  3. Each of these platforms takes time to be comfortable with, meaning all staff who work using need practice before being properly equipped.

Be sure to research before getting started to be sure you are using the platform that best meet your needs.

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