By Alana Lewis 

 Megan Doherty has a passion for sustainability and working on the environment and helping the environment. She always tries her best to make sure she pours into our environment and community. Megan works at Driving Sustainability Austin Circular Economy Program.

Here are some interesting facts about Megan 

Megan Doherty: I was born and raised in austenite, passionate about preserving and amplifying the environment and culture. The  charm of this blooming beautiful city that we call home. She had a degree from UT Austin in geography and environment. And spent over a decade outside of Texas launching several entrepreneurial ventures from catering vegan food at big picture movie sets in Hollywood. To vending superfood shakes at large festivals.  ultimately opening a cafe and bottle drink line in central Mexico.

Alexander Williams: This company is all about promoting sustainability by transforming.

Megan Doherty: Our traditional linear economy which takes the make and dispose economic model into something more thoughtful and createful and more regenerative.

What do you guys contribute to Austin TX? 

Megan Doherty: Support these circular businesses, traditional, waste, rental businesses and  to help businesses repair and refurbish to bring back up to market and sharing platforms. 

What’s the key services provided by circular economy program businesses innovation and how they contribute to city?

Megan Doherty: Sustainability and economic goals. They have an event called circular showcase that is designed to establish circular businesses which is a threshold on any business that has a circular concept that currently makes more than 10,000 a yr and less than 250,000 a yr and whoever wins gets a 12,000 prize.

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