By Alana Lewis

Christin Ong worked for a drug store company where she learned and caught on to all of the resources she needed to and took those resources and used them with her future business/ career. Christin works at Commercial Leasing with LT Commercial Group.

Here is the interview with David Fuentes and Christin Ong.

David Fuentes: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself how you started working in the Commercial LT group?

Christin Ong:  I worked at a national drugstore company. I was able to leverage my knowledge ofmanaging a high profile business and managing operations into commercial real estate with a family investing in commercial real estate. 

David Fuentes: What essentials of Commercial Leasing with LT Commercial Group with Christin Ong?

Christin Ong: If you want easy access and visibility what you should consider is the cost and you’re  not going to want to consider if the monthly budget fits into your monthly or rent budget but are there any other additional costs that you’re going to be responsible for.

David Fuentes: What are key elements of a commercial leasing contract and which parts are important to review over?

Christin Ong: With commercial leasing everything is very important but it’s also so long and it can be very intimidating especially if this is your first time into a contract like this so really you should look over everything.

David Fuentes: What are the differences between gross lease, a net lease, and a triple net lease and how do they impact tenants?

Christin Ong: Almost any operating expenses so you just have one flat fee every month. Nothing is variable. It doesn’t change with a triple net lease it’s a type of net so there’s three types of net leases theirs a single net double net and triple and what it looks like is based on your rental amount but you also have net charges on top of that.

Find the Spanish version here.