EGBI Client Opens Food Trailer on Rainey Street
By Al Lopez, July 30, 2013
About two thirds of EGBI graduates wind up starting a business. In most cases, taking into account their learning, they decide to delay the start to do it in a better prepared way. This is the case of Vann Brown, who graduated from Building Success Program in August 2011. All of last year, she worked on developing her plan, continued to getting business training, attended a couple of our workshops, networked at our Annual Reunion, and kept EGBI in the loop of her progress.
On May 26th, we were thrilled to attend the grand opening of My Granny’s Kitchen food trailer on the fairly exclusive Rainey Street downtown.
My Granny’s Kitchen was inspired by Vann’s grandmother, who had a passion for cooking and providing healthy meals to her family. Vann shares the same passion, and she understands that spending time in the kitchen preparing healthy meals can reduce the quality time with the family, so her goal is to provide a solution to those of us with busy lifestyles.
“We at My Granny’s Kitchen strive to provide a healthy affordable fast food alternative to the everyday family that is available when you need it and revive the traditions of southern style cooking” said Vann.
We applaud Vann’s perseverance and wish her all the success in her new business. We invite you to please take the time to stop by My Granny’s Kitchen and try one of the delicious meals on her menu “There is no reason why nutritious meals cannot be sold as fast food!”.
Vann is one of many EGBI clients who have accomplished their goal of starting a business. We are proud of her and look forward to many more celebrations to come.

My Granny’s Kitchen