By Pamela Chow

Claudia and Fidel Castillo of Castillo Drywall LLC are not just a dynamic duo in the Texas construction industry; they are a testament to resilience, hard work, and entrepreneurial spirit. Relocating from Chicago to Texas in 2013 amid financial adversity, they found a new home and opportunities for growth in Texas.

The journey to founding Castillo Drywall LLC was paved with over 15 years of experience and a shared passion for excellence. Specializing in drywall installation, taping, and texture, their company caters to a wide range of clients across central Texas, offering unparalleled service and craftsmanship.

Claudia and Fidel share their experience as clients of EGBI.

How did you first find out about EGBI?

“I found out about EGBI through my friend Mariela Méndez, who is also an EGBI client,” Claudia shares, highlighting the community connections that led them to the support they needed.

How did EGBI help your business? What service did you benefit from?

“EGBI helped from business planning to marketing tools, legal advice, and accounting,” Claudia explains. “They continue to support us with workshops and tools for our growth.”

If you had to start over, what would you do differently?

“I would start the business without overthinking it,” Fidel reflects, underscoring the value of taking the leap with confidence and passion when one is first starting the entrepreneurial journey.

What was the biggest challenge when starting your business?

“Overcoming the fear to start was the hardest part,” adds Fidel, sharing a sentiment many entrepreneurs can relate to.

What advice would you give to someone starting their business?

For those starting their entrepreneurial journey, Claudia and Fidel suggested leveraging support networks like EGBI, which can assist you with critical business fundamentals, from legal and financial knowledge to effective marketing strategies.

Through their partnership with EGBI, Claudia and Fidel Castillo have not only navigated the complexities of entrepreneurship but have also seen significant growth and success that is only expanding. Their story is a powerful reminder of the impact of community support, education, and perseverance in the business world.

EGBI provides training, coaching, and support to aspiring and existing business owners who face barriers to growing a successful business. If you would like to support our efforts, please visit our website

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