By Diana Garcia
Meet Larissa, a Texan native, born and raised in a small town near the Mexico/US border called Laredo. Larissa graduated from Texas A&M International University with a bachelor degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Management. She has worked for big corporations such as FedEx, Sony and IBM, but she really loves working with small business owners. For her, small businesses are like little miracles that grow against all odds: very strong and resilient. Larissa loves her heritage and blends in very well with her community– embracing her roots and trying to pass them along to her son. One thing about her is that she loves helping and connecting with people; Larissa sees it like an art that is perfected with time.
Larissa shares her experience as a volunteer with EGBI and how you can get involved too.

Hi Larissa! To get started, would you mind telling us a fun fact about yourself?
I love hiking and going to HEB. While it sounds funny, I really can’t picture myself living in any other state than Texas, the hot weather is also a big plus, although we have been getting colder in the last couple of years, living in the hot weather is my prerogative. I like to travel, but I always love to come back to home in Central Texas.
How have you volunteered for EGBI?
I have volunteered doing logos for small business owners and sharing my knowledge in classes for EGBI clients in business and marketing. I am also part of the marketing committee.
Why do you think it is important to volunteer?
It is important to volunteer because we are a community and we grow together. Besides, I have been the recipient of a lot of knowledge and help, so it is only fair that I give back. We need to keep the knowledge and the good energy flowing, it is good for the spirit.
“’Cuando ayudamos a un emprendedor a ser más estratégico para capitalizar sus talentos, ayudamos a toda su familia a tener una mejor calidad de vida, el apoyo que damos como voluntarios en EGBI es exponencial. Los conocimientos no se agotan, se multiplican.’
[Meaning: When we help small business owners to be more strategic to capitalize their talents, we help their whole family to have a better quality of life, the volunteer service we do in EGBI is exponential. Knowledge is never depleted, it is multiplied.]” – Larissa Davila
Do you have a favorite experience about volunteering with EGBI?
Yes! I have made a few logos for clients, and it is amazing to see them excited about the new company image. It is a really nice feeling to know I have helped someone professionalize their brand.
In 2020, EGBI volunteers put in more than 130 hours to help EGBI support and serve over 400 small businesses. Volunteers like Larissa make this possible and continue to help EGBI pursue their mission of training ,coaching, and supporting aspiring and existing business owners who face barriers to growing a successful business.
Want to get involved too? Contact us to find out how you can get involved.