To Our EGBI Community,
We are filled with sadness and frustration over the recent events against African Americans these past few months.  We join the call to find ways to stop police brutality and heal our nation. These horrific acts have led to unrest across the country. We must come together to ensure all of our brothers and sisters are permitted the same opportunities and equal justice.
For the last fifteen years, EGBI has been working to help individuals achieve their entrepreneurial dreams.  Along with our partners, we are working to break down the barriers many minorities in our communities face.  By providing training, coaching and support services to small businesses, our clients are receiving the tools necessary to develop sustainable businesses.  Businesses that are making a positive impact in our community.
Today, we proudly stand with our partners as we work to create a better nation. A nation where everyone, regardless of the color of their skin or where they were born, will be treated equally and be able to pursue their dreams.  We mourn for these beautiful lives that were taken way too soon, but we must never forget and never stay silent.
In Solidarity,
Board and Staff of EGBI