Meet EGBI intern: Katherine Garcia

Katherine is a summer intern here at EGBI. She will be going into Junior year in these coming months. She was born here in Austin Texas. She is planning on playing soccer, basketball, and volleyball. She also enjoys skateboarding during her free time.

 Are you currently in school? If so, what grade will you be going to this year?

Yes I am currently in school, I will be going into junior year. 

Where were you born?

I was born here in Austin Texas.

Do you do any activities in school?

I don’t do activities, but this year i am planning on joining cheerleading or basketball. 

What are some other activities you do outside of school?

Outside of school I love walking, talking to my friends, I also enjoy skateboarding and watching series on netflix and eating. And I love listening to music a lot. 

How did you end up here at EGBI?

I am an intern here in EGBI, I always wanted to study criminal justice as well as having a business. I ended up choosing a business office because I wanted to learn a few things and get experience that will be useful for my future.  

What’s a fun fact about you?

A fun fact about me is that I play soccer, basketball, and volleyball. 

Do you enjoy it here at EGBI?

I enjoy being here and having an opportunity to work for EGBI. I love how they help people and teach them new things. Another thing is as an intern they still have expectations we have to follow so they can teach us how work is done, how we can be time efficient, and among other things. 

What’s a good experience you had here at EGBI?

A good experience I had here at EGBI is being able to talk to business owners as well as co-workers and making new friends. 

Has EGBI helped you achieve a goal of yours?

EGBI has helped me personally and professionally to better my communication and expand my vocabulary. They have also taught me a few business tips as well and I will forever be grateful to this amazing organization and for giving me the opportunity to be here. 

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

And I have nothing else to share, thank you. 

Find Spanish version here.

Conozca al pasante de EGBI: Katherine Garcia

Katherine es una pasante de verano aquí en EGBI. Ella entrará al tercer año en los próximos meses. Nació aquí en Austin Texas. En la escuela juega fútbol, ​​basketball, y volleyball. También le gusta andar en patineta durante su tiempo libre.

¿Estás en la escuela? Si es así, ¿A qué grado irás este año?

Sí, estoy en la escuela, entraré al tercer año. 

¿Donde naciste?

Nací aquí en Austin Texas.

¿Realizas alguna actividad en la escuela?

No hago actividades, pero este año planeo unirme a porristas o baloncesto. 

¿Cuáles son algunas otras actividades que haces fuera de la escuela?

Fuera del colegio me encanta caminar, hablar con mis amigos, también disfruto andar en patineta y ver series en netflix y comer. Y me encanta escuchar música mucho. 

¿Cómo llegaste aquí en EGBI?

Soy pasante aquí en EGBI, siempre quise estudiar justicia penal además de tener un negocio. Terminé eligiendo una oficina de negocios porque quería aprender algunas cosas y adquirir experiencia que me fuera útil para el futuro.  

¿Qué dato curioso sobre ti?

Un dato curioso sobre mí es que juego fútbol, ​​baloncesto y voleibol. 

¿Lo disfrutas aquí en EGBI?

Disfruto estar aquí y tener la oportunidad de trabajar para EGBI. Me encanta cómo ayudan a las personas y les enseñan cosas nuevas. Otra cosa es que, como pasantes, todavía tienen expectativas que debemos seguir para poder enseñarnos cómo se hace el trabajo, cómo podemos ahorrar tiempo y, entre otras cosas. 

¿Cuál fue una buena experiencia que tuviste aquí en EGBI?

Una buena experiencia que tuve aquí en EGBI fue poder hablar con dueños de negocios y compañeros de trabajo y hacer nuevos amigos. 

¿EGBI te ha ayudado a alcanzar alguna de tus metas?

EGBI me ha ayudado personal y profesionalmente a mejorar mi comunicación y ampliar mi vocabulario. También me han enseñado algunos consejos de negocios y siempre estaré agradecido con esta increíble organización y por darme la oportunidad de estar aquí. 

¿Hay algo más que te gustaría compartir?

Y no tengo nada más que compartir, gracias

Traducido en Español por Michael Arroyo. Encuentre la version Ingles aqui

Meet EGBI intern- Michael Arroyo 

Michael is a summer intern here at EGBI. He is also an  incoming sophomore. He was born here in Austin Texas. In school he is in a marching band and he wants to stay in it all throughout high school. Another thing about him is that he loves cats. 

Share a fun fact about yourself. 

A fun fact about me is that I’m left-handed and double jointed. 

What do you like doing in your free time? 

I enjoy playing video games from time to time and practicing my saxophone. 

How did you get involved with EGBI and why did you choose to be an intern here? 

I got involved with EGBI because I was chosen to work here. I chose to be an intern because it was different and so I decided to be here and see what it’s like and learn so I can use this knowledge for my future career. 

Do you think others should volunteer or support EGBI? And why? 

I think others should volunteer or support EGBI because this place has done many great things for other businesses. It has helped the community grow their business and help them succeed in life. 

How has being with EGBI helped you personally and/or professionally? 

It has helped me experience a different work environment. I have also learned how to communicate with people and improve my vocabulary in spanish. Another thing is organization has taught me how to organize my writing when I want to write either a blog about someone or explain something clearly. 

How would you describe your experience here in EGBI?

My experience here has been great. Everyone is so nice, the environment here is peaceful, and relaxing. 

Find Spanish version here.

Want to get involved? Contact us to find out how you can volunteer or donate.

Meet an EGBI Intern- Eileen Huang 

Eileen Wu is a rising junior in High School. At school she enjoys being a part of the Band as a clarinet player and section leader! In her free time, she likes riding her bike and drawing. She doesn’t really know what she wants to do in the future, but something to make an impact on people’s lives and be able to travel with her family and friends all over the world. 

What is a fun fact about you? 

My favorite foods are watermelon and tomato and egg noodles. I have a four year old cactus named Eve. 

How did you first get involved with EGBI? 

I didn’t know about the internship programs that assign students to EGBI, so I was looking for business related non profits and then just applied through EGBI’a website. 

Why do you intern for EGBI?

Because I am uncertain about what I want to do in the future, I decided experiencing the everyday activities of running a business at EGBI would help me figure out if this was really something I wanted to do. EGBI’s services and mission align with my own interests in business and supporting local businesses. I enjoy knowing that the work I do here could help aspiring business owners reach their dreams. 

How has your experience with EGBI helped you grow professionally and personally?

I haven’t really been at EGBI for that long, so I haven’t gathered many experiences, but I have been able to observe all the aspects of running a small business, and the resources available to help. Personally, I’ve met a lot of really cool people and learned about their journeys, which has really broadened up my perspective about my future. I hope I continue to contribute here and do what I can to help clients, as well as learn more everyday!

If you want to learn more about EGBI or be a part of our mission then contact us here

Translated by Berenice Osorio Alvarez

Find the Spanish version here

Meet EGBI Volunteer: Aimara Villanueva Torres

I’m passionate about words and communicative technologies, and I hail from Caracas, Venezuela. With a degree in Linguistics, I made my mark in publishing houses, magazines, and creative agencies, now I’m focusing on applied linguistics in technology as a trainer in artificial intelligence. Driven by my love for communication and fascination with the digital future, I aim to understand and contribute to the development of new communicative technologies. Outside of work, I enjoy gaming and participating in projects combining my love for reading with my passion for gaming. As a volunteer, I have demonstrated my commitment to the community in adult education projects and promoting reading in marginalized communities. Among my achievements, I have created an innovative project promoting reading in unconventional spaces, providing companionship and entertainment to patients in chemotherapy wards.

 Share a fun fact about yourself.

I read a lot and very quickly; I can spend up to 10 hours reading a thousand pages if I’m interested in the material.

Why did you first get involved with EGBI?

When I discovered the work EGBI was doing, I was immediately drawn to it and wanted to get involved. I love being able to help build tools for those embarking on the journey as entrepreneurs.

How has your experience with EGBI helped you grow professionally and personally?

The work at EGBI is certainly educational and formative, but it also has a strong philosophical component related to equal opportunities and the reduction of language and cultural barriers. This commitment has made me realize how much even a small contribution can help build a more just and diverse society.

What part of EGBI’s mission resonates most with you?

I believe EGBI empowers entrepreneurs, helping shape and give meaning to their dreams. I’m thrilled to contribute to helping many families achieve independence and security

 Why do you think others should volunteer or support EGBI?

The people at EGBI are wonderful, committed, and kind. I am proud to be able to work alongside them and to contribute my part to the tremendous and meaningful work they do.

Do you want to change your community and help those around you? Then help volunteer with EGBI by contacting us through our email

Find The Spanish version here

Meet EGBI Volunteer: Veronica Holmquist 

I am originally from Veracruz, Mexico, and have been living in Texas since 2002. Recently, I completed my master’s degree in Montessori education, and I also hold a master’s in business administration (MBA)  and Bachelor’s (BA) in marketing. My professional journey has been divided into two parts. First, I worked in the banking and investment sector, where I developed skills in customer service, sales, budgeting, and management. Second, I have served as a teacher in various educational settings, including public and private schools with alternative philosophies such as Montessori, International Baccalaureate (IB), and bilingual programs in Spanish. One aspect that unites both facets of my career is the constant use of Spanish. This skill has been fundamental to my professional success and personal satisfaction. I currently live in Driftwood, TX, with my family. 

Share a fun fact about yourself. 

I am learning Latin to help my son with his middle school Latin class.

Why did you first get involved with EGBI? 

In my professional experience, I have seen many business owners benefit from the tools and networking events that EGBI offers. This inspired me to get involved with EGBI. 

How has your experience with EGBI helped you grow professionally and personally?          

My experience with EGBI has allowed me to stay connected with Hispanic small business owners, continuously drawing inspiration and learning from their hard work and success. 

What part of EGBI’s mission resonates most with you? 

The part of EGBI’s mission that resonates most with me is its commitment to providing resources and support to business owners, helping those owners to succeed and thrive. 

What was the most rewarding moment you had while volunteering for EGBI?                 

The most rewarding moment I had while volunteering for EGBI was learning about the tangible impact of the support and tools we provided to business owners to foster their growth and success. 

Why do you think others should volunteer or support EGBI? 

Others should volunteer or support EGBI because it is a powerful way to contribute to the community, offering valuable resources and networking opportunities that can significantly benefit business owners.

Do you also want to make an impact on those around you, volunteer for EGBI by reaching us on our email

Find Spanish version here