Learn how to promote your business to Spanish speaking consumers.
Celebrating success is our annual event, and we celebrate the achievements of our clients and their impact on the local economy. This year will be a special year for us as we celebrate our 15th anniversary with our vision that all businesses should be profitable, sustainable and assets to the community. We have been interviewing a client each week to share their success stories, with a total of 15 businesses. Veronica Trevisan is our last story as our event is this Friday!
Veronica Trevisan is owner of Napegados, a strategist with a proven special method to help Spanish speaking small business owners use social media and online tools. Her company also assist company’s wanting to reach Spanish speaking consumers, communicate with culturally relevant campaigns.
Below is a Question & Answer we recently had with Veronica Trevisan.
Q: How has your career added value to your life? To the community around you?
A: I am independent of my own schedule. I can negotiate a contract and make my own decision. I teach my clients step by step through online videos that are practical.
Q: How long have you been working with EGBI and how have they helped you?
A: I have been working with EGBI since 2011. I graduated from the EGBI business workshop series. I learned from Barbra and other experts. Also, I was encouraged to network with other great resources like the Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce by Monica. I could get 1-year free membership from one of the chamber that support EGBI in their efforts. EGBI is always open to set up the appointments and help plan each business idea together.
Q: Tell us a fun fact about yourself.
A: I like to commute around the city with my green electric bike in my free time. I enjoy the weather in Austin. On my bike I am able to find beautiful places close to my home where I may never have realized was there in my car.
Q: What accomplishment are you most proud of?
A: My clients have a huge barrier to learn things in English. I train and teach clients in Spanish to remove language barriers for them. I solve the problem of their marketing problems and use technology to manage their business. Many of my clients have become my friends.
Veronica Trevisan is the last of the 15 clients we have shared stories about each week leading up to our 15 year celebration. If you would like to further encourage these businesses, think about using the products and services of our alumni. To do so, visit our CLIENT BUSINESS DIRECTORY.
Celebrating Success Luncheon is this Friday, September 6th, 2019. We are happy to announce it is SOLD OUT! If you have already reserved your seat and need more information about the event, please visit HERE.