Meet Fatima Segura

Fatima Segura is an intern at EGBI in Austin. She was born and raised in Austin. She is going into her junior year of high school and is very interested in business. At school she participates in Robotics as Communications Coordinator, Math Honor Society, Rho Kappa, and the Yearbook club. Some of her hobbies include crocheting, eating, and hanging out with her friends.

Share a fun fact with us.

One fun fact about me is that I don’t like frogs and I’m bilingual, I speak English and Spanish. I started crocheting last year around late July and I make small gifts for family and friends.

Why did you get involved with EGBI? 

I got involved with EGBI through SYEP (Summer Youth Employment Program) and even though I didn’t choose my job site, I couldn’t be more happy. I wanted my first job to be aligned with business and EGBI provides inside knowledge and amazing guidance. 

How does EGBI align with your personal and professional goals?

EGBI aligns perfectly with my personal and professional goals because it focuses on all the aspects of business and helps the community. One of my goals is to be able to major in an area of business and see if it’s what I want to do for the rest of my life.

How would you describe your experience with EGBI?

At first I was very nervous and had no idea what to expect. My first day was very busy since there was a lot going on and I was able to greet customers at the front desk. Even though I am a Spanish speaker, my Spanish improved so much and so did my customer service skills. My first thought was that the job was going to be heavily independent, but everyone is so involved and showed me step by step. 

How have you grown since the beginning of your internship?

Upon starting my internship I became much more comfortable speaking Spanish, especially professional Spanish. I’m very thankful I was able to expand my knowledge whether it was English/Spanish vocabulary, website building, interview skills, and using marketing applications. Specifically in Marketing, I am now more confident in my decisions and how to improve a company’s marketing. Gaining further insight towards the world of business through EGBI was very rewarding.

If you would like to learn more about volunteer opportunities at EGBI please email

Meet an EGBI client- Julieta Molina

“I am Mexican, originally from Chihuahua Mexico but I grew up in San Luis Potosi. 20 years of marriage and two marvelous sons. My passion is being a mom and my hobby is spending time with my sons. I enjoy good inspiring movies and I like listening to podcasts about how to create successful families. I would have liked being a Psychologist and it’s a dream that I might be able to reach once my kids go to college!”

Tell me, what inspired you to start this business?

“My husband was the one that motivated me to take this step. I didn’t have a job and with what he was making, we could barely afford to pay rent and services. He suggested we start this business as an extra job, he would do the grass while I offered cleaning services.”

Why did you two choose to join EGBI?

“We joined EGBI because even though we already had a business, we wanted to make it grow. EGBI gave us the tools to make our clients grow.”

Did you two struggle with any obstacle? If so, how did you overcome it?

“Of course we did, at the beginning, when we got into construction cleaning my husband left his job to join the company. Without his income our economic situation got complicated. We didn’t have the resources to cover our personal expenses. Our few savings ran out and we lived from personal loans to cover our personal expenses. Little by little when our clients increased we were able to overcome that stage.

How does your business differ from others?

“Client service, we manage the hours in a way that we accomplish with the 99.99% of the cleanings at the required time and if for any reason we do not arrive at a cleaning we offer an extra $0 cost service to compensate for the mistake.”

Tell us a fun fact about yourself

“I would have liked to have 10 kids, but my husband only wanted 2!!!!”

Are you happy with what you have accomplished?

“Yes, of course, the sacrifices have been worth it, but with no doubt we have plans for a second business!!!!!”

How has EGBI helped you?

“EGBI has given us legal advice and accountability to be able to manage our business. It has given us training and has given us a platform to meet other entrepreneurs and cher each other.”

You also want to help the communities around you? Then become a volunteer at EGBI. Contact us in 

Translated by, Berenice Osorio Alvarez.

Find the Spanish version here.

Meet Sahith Yamani

Sahith Yamani is an Intern at EGBI in Austin. He has lived his whole life in Austin and is a rising senior. His many career interests so far are finances, data analysis, or business. He likes to spend his free time swimming, gaming, or going out with friends. 

Share a fun fact about yourself

I really enjoy playing games with my friends, it doesn’t matter if it’s a video game or a sport, all things are fun. I also swim for my high school varsity swim team with my friends.

Why did you get involved with EGBI? 

I first got involved with EGBI through the City of Austin’s high school internship program. EGBI’s mission and values perfectly aligned with my own interests.

How does EGBI align with your personal and professional goals?

EGBI aligns with my goals such as wanting to learn through real life experiences and learn more about contributing to community prosperity. Participating in EGBI’s programs allow me to enhance my knowledge and skills in data analysing, business development, and communication skills.

How would you describe your experience with EGBI?

My experience at EGBI is something I call fulfilling. It is so much more different than I would have thought it to be and it’s different in a good way.  From the outset, the onboarding process was seamless, and the team was welcoming and supportive. Participating in EGBI’s workshops on business planning, financial management, and marketing strategies greatly enhanced my entrepreneurial skills. The mentorship program provided invaluable guidance, helping me navigate challenges and boosting my confidence.

How have you grown since the beginning of your internship?

Since the beginning of my internship, I have experienced substantial growth both personally and professionally. I’ve enhanced my technical skills in Salesforce, improved my project management abilities, and become more confident in my decision-making. My adaptability has increased as I’ve navigated various challenges and my problem-solving abilities have been sharpened by tackling complex tasks and projects.

Find the Spanish version here.

If you would like to learn more about volunteer opportunities at EGBI please email

Meet one of our clients: Raquel Myers owner of  T&T Myers Consulting 

   I am a native El Pasoan, born and raised. My dad was an active-duty Army he was from New Jersey, my mom was from Camargo Mexico. As the sixth among seven siblings, our family celebrations for Christmas and birthdays were always a big deal in our home. My father’s military career afforded me the opportunity to travel, including stays in Germany and Fort Carson, Colorado, before we settled back in El Paso. I am the proud mother of two daughters, both of whom are married and mothers themselves. I cherish my role as MIMA to six wonderful grandchildren—two granddaughters and four grandsons. I am thankful for the gift of being a grandmother.

  The pivotal moment in my life came with the realization of my God-given purpose: to make a meaningful impact on the lives of others beyond just our family. I am driven by a passion to assist women in building their financial, relational, and spiritual legacies. In 2022 I published a devotional for moms to use as a 21 day inspiration they walk through with their daughters. This was inspired by my personal life experiences, and how I overcame challenges as a divorced mother of two daughters.

1. Tell me what inspired you to initiate this business?

After being turned down for a mortgage loan officer trainer role, I felt inspired to establish a coaching business. I realized that I possessed a valuable tool that had helped me succeed for years. Through my research, I discovered that while there are many ‘how to make money coaching’ programs, comprehensive ground-up training for newly licensed mortgage loan originators was lacking.

2.  Why did you decide to join EGBI?

I discovered EGBI when I was seeking affordable coaching on how to market on social media. Meeting Monica came at the perfect time. I chose EGBI because of its invaluable support for the small business community and entrepreneurs like me.

3. Did you encounter any obstacles along the way? If so, how did you

overcome them?

 The biggest obstacle I faced was myself. While I could clearly outline my business and ideas on paper, I struggled with doubt and fear when it came to selling the service. Although I believed in what I had to offer, I found it challenging to articulate this to others. I overcame this fear through prayer and by intentionally continuing to build and perfect my offering. Every day, I draw inspiration from other coaches who share powerful messages on how to grow a business.

4. How does your business differ from others?

T&T Myers Consulting stands out because we focus on building a strong foundation of detailed  mortgage knowledge, ensuring that mortgage professionals can achieve long-term success. Our unique business tool serves as a crucial building block, helping mortgage professionals advance  in their careers.

 5. Tell us a fun fact about yourself

One of my favorite rainy-day activities is binge-watching Law and Order-Criminal Intent with a bowl of buttery popcorn.

 6. Are you happy with what you have achieved?

I would not necessarily say happy, I am shocked with all I have done in such a short period of time. The pressure that has come with stepping out on faith comes with accountability; gifts and abilities I did not know I possessed have been pressed out of me. I am fulfilled, and overjoyed because I know there is more on the horizon.

7. How has EGBI helped you?

 EGBI has given me a new appreciation for entrepreneurship. My confidence has grown significantly, and I’ve learned how to approach my business with renewed courage and determination. I’ve met some amazing and creative business owners who are also living their dreams.

EGBI provides training, coaching, and support to aspiring and existing business owners who face barriers to growing a successful business. If you would like to know more about EGBI’s business coaching, visit Spanish-(

Translated by Berenice Osorio Alvarez

Find the Spanish version here

Meet an EGBI client- Monica Guzman

Monica Guzman is an Advertising Graphic Designer with her own studio called (MG Design Studio)

Tell us a bit about yourself…

“After working for almost 7 years for a marketing and advertising agency in my country, Peru, I decided one day to take my luggage and leave to reunite with my loving brother. I got to the United States in the year 2003, directly to Miami, a place where I did not last for more than a week.  I think I didn’t like it much. My destination at that time was Seattle, where I had to start over, but with the help of my brother, thanks to him, I had the luck to work as a designer in a hispanic newspaper and take a part time in another place, doing something very different from my career. The experience in this part time was interesting, but not much of my liking. I didn’t last more than 3 months when I decided to quit, time passed and me and my brother decided to make a newspaper together, the one that turned into a magazine, “El Independiente” (“The Independents”). This job helped us a lot to make ourselves known professionally in that entire area of the Northwest. After a long time in society I decided to become independent and start my own business, like everything, it was a time with ups and downs. In 2019 we fled the cold of Seattle towards the sun and here I am now, always dedicated to my business and my family. I have a second passion which is art. Since I arrived in Texas I was able to develop a little more in that and I had the opportunity to participate in some exhibitions organized by Round Rock Arts. My focus now is to grow my business and continue learning, I believe I still have many goals to achieve.”

What is your favorite part about what you do at work?

“Definitely leaving with a signed contract is my favorite part. After that I really enjoy sitting in my studio, taking a pencil, paper and starting to sketch before using the computer. Each client is a challenge for me. I know that I have to get that initial sketch approved the first time and that pushes me to always show a lot of professionalism in my work.”

 What has been the hardest moment for you in your profession?

“I was lucky to be able to finish my degree in my country and immediately find work in some advertising agencies and at the same time work as a freelancer. I think the most difficult part was when I arrived in the United States, since I had to start over and learn to know  a completely different market than my country, in addition to having to learn another language. I was finally able to achieve that loyalty with some clients during the 16 years I lived in Seattle.”

How has EGBI helped you?

“Since I had the opportunity to attend one of the marketing workshops, I realized that there is still a lot to learn regarding how to run your business. There are countless things to develop for your business to become successful in this market. Currently I follow every step that I have been able to learn in these workshops and it has also helped me a lot that I have been advised by a member of EGBI. The truth is that it is very helpful to be able to follow and complete each task in these workshops.”

Tell us a fun fact about yourself

‘’Sometimes I feel like an octopus walking in my house, jajaja, especially when there are days when I have to be a mother, daughter, housewife, salesperson, and designer. I don’t know how I do it but I manage to finish my task and I applaud myself silently.’’

If you had the opportunity, would you change anything about what you have achieved?

“No, I wouldn’t change anything because everything has been learning and I like my profession. Also, I think I’m still missing a lot to accomplish.”

If you could do it all over again, would you still join EGBI? Why yes or why not?

“Without a doubt I would. I believe that few organizations do this great work of helping small and medium-sized business entrepreneurs in English and Spanish. It is a great job that each member of EGBI does, they are a great team.”

What do you like about EGBI?

“I like their perseverance and how professional they are. Since I started going to the workshops I see that they do not stop with this work of supporting entrepreneurs and business owners. They continue to teach and guide the people who attend each workshop.”

EGBI provides training, coaching, and support to aspiring and existing business owners who face barriers to growing a successful business. If you would like to know more about EGBI’s business coaching, visit Spanish-(

Translated by Berenice Osorio Alvarez

Find the Spanish version here

Meet EGBI’s Client Tyrone Meredith and his entrepreneur journey

By Pamela Chow

Tyrone Meredith initiated his journey into entrepreneurship with his company after accumulating a decade of experience in the HVAC industry. Motivated by his extensive knowledge, he pursued and successfully passed the State Contractors exam. Following this achievement, Tyrone strategically developed the brand identity for his venture, Tyrone A/C & Heating Inc. With meticulous attention to detail, he navigated the incorporation process, establishing a solid foundation for his business. Equipped with determination and essential resources, including a truck, Tyrone entered the realm of entrepreneurship.

Tyrone shares a bit about his journey.

How did you hear about EGBI?

I found EGBI by contacting the City of Austin Small Business  Development Office. I called looking for a business mentor and they referred me to EGBI.

How has EGBI helped you?

EGBI helped me to build the confidence to market myself and also believe in my vision. They coached me and recommended a host of individuals to assist with advertising and marketing. They introduced me to Mayor Kirk Watson among other people. This gave me the confidence I needed to know that “I am enough as I am and the sky’s the limit.” The lunch engagements helped me become more outgoing and overcome my fear of rejection. My world is truly as I make it.

What are you working on now?

Currently, I’m focused on expanding the reach of my company’s services through marketing initiatives. By attracting more customers with their HVAC needs, I aim to increase our revenue and solidify our position in the market.

If you were to start all over again, what would you do differently?

Looking back, I would prioritize allocating more resources towards advertising from the start, rather than waiting a decade to do so. Additionally, I’d make proactive investments in retirement planning to secure my financial future more effectively.

What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?

Have a better quality of life and to have more control of my personal time as a whole.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

 I envision myself making smarter investments and expanding my team by hiring at least one additional full-time technician. Furthermore, I aim to elevate our brand visibility by increasing our advertising budget by $10,000.

What’s your biggest challenge?

My greatest challenge lies in finding the right individuals who can complement my skills and knowledge where they fall short.

What’s the best piece of advice you received?

The good thing about success it, it is in your hands. And the bad thing about success is, it is in your hands!!!

What advice would you give someone starting their own business?

Embrace the discipline required for success, and you’ll spare yourself the anguish of regret down the road.

Find the Spanish version here.