A Can’t Miss Benefit: A Guide to Obtaining a Veteran Verification Letter in Texas

Starting a new business comes with its challenges, but if you’re a veteran in the state of Texas, there’s a unique opportunity to ease the burden. The Texas Veterans Commission Veteran Entrepreneur Program offers a Veteran Verification Letter (VVL), a powerful tool that not only recognizes your service but also provides tangible benefits. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of obtaining a
VVL and unlocking significant cost-saving advantages.

Eligibility Check

Before diving into the application process, ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for the Veteran
Verification Letter. To qualify, you must have:
– An Honorable/General Under Honorable US Military Discharge
– 100% Veteran-Owned (can be more than one veteran owner)
– A new entity formation between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2025

Step 1: Requesting a VVL

1. Visit the Texas Veterans Commission website.

2. Click on the “Connect with a Business Consultant” button to initiate the process.

3. Complete the three-part questionnaire provided by the Texas Veterans Commission.

Step 2: Information Gathering

Prepare the following documents before initiating contact with a Business Consultant:
– DD214 – Member 4 or Service Copy 2: Ensure it shows discharge status.
– VA Letter of Service Disability: Must include branch of service, dates of service, and discharge status.
– NGB22 (Texas National Guard Only): For Texas National Guard members.
– Verification of any name changes: Include relevant documents like Marriage Certificates,
Divorce Decrees, etc.

Step 3: Contact with a Business Consultant

After completing the questionnaire, a Business Consultant from the Texas Veterans Commission will contact you directly. Be ready to share the gathered information and discuss your business plans.

Benefits of the Veteran Verification Letter.

Upon successful verification, you’ll receive a Veteran Verification Letter. This document holds significant advantages for your new business:
-Waived $300 Registration Fee: Say goodbye to the initial registration fee with the Secretary of
-Five Years of State Franchise Tax Exemption: Enjoy the first five years of your business without the burden of state franchise tax.

Obtaining a Veteran Verification Letter through the Texas Veterans Commission can be a game-changer for your new business. Not only does it recognize your military service, but it also provides substantial financial benefits. Follow the steps outlined in this guide, and you’ll be on your way to unlocking opportunities that will make a meaningful difference in the early years of your entrepreneurial journey.
This is a great first step towards many more to come.

Thank you for your service, and best of luck with your new venture!

Please do not hesitate to reach out to EGBI’s Business Coach and Veteran Services Coordinator Monica
Perras at perras@egbi.org or call her directly 737-239-0221.  A business coaching appointment is at no
cost due to a contract with the City of Austin.

Find the Spanish version here.

Happy Employees Mean Better Business

By Audrey Stanton

From company-paid health care coverage to onsite child care, research shows that family-friendly
policies lead to higher employee attraction, retention, satisfaction, and productivity.

Are you curious to learn how you can make your company more attractive to working parents
and increase your revenue at the same time?

The newly launched Best Place for Working Parents® Greater Austin initiative from Early Matters
Greater Austin (EMGA) offers a free and confidential survey that you can complete online in under 5

After completing the assessment, you will gain a real-time snapshot of how your business fares in
relation to other local companies. Businesses that qualify for the designation will have an immediate
opportunity to promote themselves as a designated Best Place for Working Parents®.

To learn more about the initiative and take the free assessment, click here to visit Early Matters.

Happier employees? More profitable business? It’s a win-win.

Find the Spanish version here.

Meet EGBI Volunteer- Begoña Calderón

Begoña Calderón Lozano, originally from Cádiz, Spain, graduated in Journalism from the University of Seville just two months ago and also embarked on a course called MasterClass at the School of Reporters of Andalusia in Seville. When she’s not immersed in the world of news, she shows her passion for volleyball and fashion and even takes thrilling motorcycle rides through the Sierra de Cádiz with her father. She’s no stranger to adrenaline, having parachuted from an airplane at an astounding 4,600 meters high. Her journey to EGBI in Austin began as a result of an online volunteer search, and since then, she has been enjoying the satisfaction of helping others while expanding her professional and personal horizons. The most exciting experience for her so far has been recording a podcast, something she will surely remember forever.

Share a fun fact with us:

A fun fact about me is that I enjoy extreme sports. A year ago, I parachuted from an airplane at 4,600 meters high. I also consider myself a very adventurous person, always eager to explore new things.

How did you first get involved with EGBI?
I’ve only been in Austin for 2 months, and I found EGBI on a volunteer website. My first contact with EGBI was at an event, and I felt so comfortable that I didn’t hesitate to help them for these 2 months.

Why are you a volunteer for EGBI?
Helping people is a very satisfying feeling. It’s a way to make yourself happy because you’re helping others, and others are helping you. You grow as a person and create a unique experience. I’ve met wonderful people.

How has your collaboration with EGBI helped you grow professionally and personally?
I couldn’t have chosen a better volunteer opportunity with EGBI. In terms of professional growth, I’ve been doing translations and writing for the blog, which has helped me learn new vocabulary in English. I’ve had the opportunity to host the La Incubadora Podcast and conduct interviews in both Spanish and English. Personally, I’ve been able to grow as a person, face new situations, and that has made me mature in other ways.

What was the most rewarding experience you had while working as a volunteer at EGBI?
The opportunity to record the podcast has been the most fulfilling experience. I am immensely grateful to EGBI for having me and giving me this opportunity that I will never forget. I couldn’t be happier with this experience.

Why do you think others should volunteer or support EGBI?
Being a volunteer for EGBI is a way to help others. You grow as a person, and it’s beautiful to see how EGBI gets involved with you to make you feel comfortable. I thank them for everything; they are wonderful people, and in no time, they made me feel at home.

Meet EGBI Volunteer – Larry D. Williams

By Bego Calderon

Larry D. Williams is the Community Liaison for the HUB (Historically Underutilized Business) of the Purchasing Department of Travis County. Travis County and its HUB department are award-winning organizations within the government purchasing arena.  He received his BA from Arizona State in Mass Communications and Media Studies with a minor in Public Policy and Public Service. Larry prides himself in bringing professionalism, innovation, and equity to the forefront of every position he has been involved in. Larry has focused his entire career on expanding nonprofits’ and governmental agencies’ community-level work to enhance their effectiveness with their most important stakeholders. It is his passion for seeing professionals and community organizations break through their boundaries and expand their effectiveness in their given communities.

Larry shares his experience as a volunteer with EGBI.

Share a fun fact with us.

A fun fact about me is that I am new to Central Texas. I have an ever-growing list on my phone of great and unique places on my phone that I have experienced since I moved here.

“It became more desirable for me to be a small part of seeing that mission available to the community” – Larry D.Williams

-How did you first get involved with EGBI?

When I was hired as the Community Liaison for the Travis County Purchasing HUB program I went through the HUB Resource Guide and connected with external stakeholders listed there. EGBI was one of those organizations.

-Why do you volunteer for EGBI?

I was first impressed by the professionalism of the staff. As I became more aware of the mission and vision of EGBI it became more desirable for me to be a small part of seeing that mission available to the community.

-How has your involvement with EGBI helped you grow professionally and personally?

My time volunteering with EGBI introduced me to the entrepreneurial climate of Austin and Travis County. Being involved with EGBI also made me that much more excited to enhance this community by improving the access that Historically Underutilized Businesses have to the Purchasing process of Travis County.

– What was the most rewarding experience you had while volunteering for EGBI?

Being able to share the HUB process of not only Travis County but also the other governmental agencies in the area.

– Why do you think others should volunteer or support EGBI?

I believe others will find a passion for the entrepreneurial climate of the City of Austin and Travis County and its importance in our community.

EGBI provides training, coaching, and support to aspiring and existing business owners who face barriers to growing a successful business. If you would like to support our efforts, please visit our website https://egbi.org/donate/.

How To Promote Your Business on Alignable

Are you starting your own business? Do you want to know if anyone around you is too?

Alignable is an online network that connects small business owners. It is a US-based company that went public in 2014. Now, it has more than 7 million members.

Imagine a LinkedIn but specifically, for micro and small business owners.

Here is what Alignable can help you with:

Make connections with other business owners

Alignable is meant to act as an “ice breaker” for this community by helping you make connections, post about your business, and refer others. You can announce new events or product lines to all your contacts at once.  

You can also create and join groups to connect with other business owners that have similar interests. When you first join, Alignable adds you to a community that includes the businesses in your general area.

This makes it easy for other owners in your area to seek out your business and vice versa. Once you establish a connection with each other, you can continue it through Alignable.

Contribute to your local community

Alignable is great to get you in contact with business owners in your local community.

It spans about 5 to 10 towns in your area and you can personalize your connections by specifying who you want to connect with.

These might be potential customers and partners!

Here are 3 Steps to Promoting Your Business on Alignable:

Step 1: Figure out the logistics

You need your post to communicate your event or announcement clearly. What is the title of your announcement? What is the date and time of your event? Who is it for? What are you promoting?

Step 2: Create art for your post

Unique social media art is a big part of catching your audience. Make sure your message is clear and the color palette is simple. Your design should be something that you stop scrolling to take a look.

Step 3: Share your post

Below is a list of all the different functions on Alignable. You are able to click what kind of post you want to share so your potential consumers can understand your post’s purpose.

The main difference between Alignable and LinkedIn is that it’s more casual. Since it connects you from town to town, it feels close knit.

If you want to contribute to your local community and connect with other small business owners in your area, Alignable might be good for you.

Small businesses deserve the spotlight too.

See if Alignable is a good complimentary platform for you.